
2024 07 08 Funf Furum

The IMpower FundForum, the leading event for global wealth and asset management professionals, was held from 24 to 26 June at the Grimaldi Forum in Monte Carlo. Organised by Informa Connect, this prestigious event attracted more than 1,400 decision-makers, including 500 fund and wealth managers and 400 fund buyers and asset owners from over 50 countries.

2024 07 03 Monaco liste grise

After twenty-five years under the presidency of Étienne Franzi, Robert Laure has been elected to head the AMAF, the Monaco Association of Financial Activities. The transition took place in the midst of the "Moneyval" crisis. While the Principality's potential placement on the FATF's grey list is of concern to the whole of Monaco, in this interview this professional recalls the efforts made by the Principality over the last 18 months to achieve compliance. He also believes that developing a financial business in a potentially "stigmatised " country is not "an easy thing", but neither is it synonymous with "apocalypse".

2024 07 02 IA dans secteur bancaire

From fraud detection to risk management and customer service, artificial intelligence will fundamentally redefine the way banks operate and interact with their customers. What are the possibilities offered by this technological revolution? What are the risks associated with its use? Have the Principality's banks already moved into the AI era? An interview with Frédéric Genta, Interministerial Delegate for Attractiveness and Digital Transition, and Robert Laure, Chairman of the Association Monégasque des Activités Financières (AMAF).

2024 06 10 Didier GUILLAUME

Mr Didier GUILLAUME will succeed H.E. Mr Pierre DARTOUT as Minister of State on 2 September 2024, having held the post for the past 4 years.

2024 05 30 Monaco SOHN

The 4th Sohn Monaco Investment Conference will be held on Wednesday 26 June 2024 at the Monaco Yacht Club, under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.

2024 05 27 Monaco Conseil Europe

Mrs Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Government Counsellor and Minister for External Relations and Cooperation, took part in the 133rd Ministerial Session of the Council of Europe, which was held in Strasbourg on 16 and 17 May 2024.

2024 05 17 Autorites Competantes

On 6th and 7th May 2024, the Principality of Monaco took part in the 11th Meeting of the Competent Authorities of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes in Bridgetown (Barbados), which was attended by over 200 delegates from all over the world.

2024 04 22 TrajanCapital

Thomas Duteil, Co-founder & Partner at TRAJAN Capital, shed valuable light on private equity in European SMEs when he spoke in the Principality at the invitation of Edmond de Rothschild Monaco.

2024 04 18 Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson, Director of Asset Allocation Research at INVESCO*, shared his views on the current issues and their implications for the financial markets. He was invited by Sophie GEST, President of ACI, The Financial Market Association.

2024 03 15 Monaco Shipping

Financing Maritime Infrastructure & Innovation for Climate and Oceans, a not-to-be-missed event during Ocean Week, aimed at accelerating financing to support the transition to a low-carbon maritime industry.

2024 03 Genta small

Frédéric Genta, Interministerial Delegate for Attractiveness and Digital Transition, within the government of the Principality of Monaco, discussed the ambitions of the Principality of Monaco in the digital age, in the Tech & Co program presented by François Sorel. Here is the replay of the show.

2024 03 08 ACI Monaco

ACI Monaco was founded in the Principality thirty-two years ago, as an affiliate of the ACI FMA, established in 1955. Since then, it has carried on the commitments espoused by the umbrella organisation: developing and promoting market activities, encouraging friendly professional relations between stakeholders, expanding access to professional training, and compliance with the ethical rules applicable to the sector.

2024 03 04 IUM

For more than three decades, the IUM has been training future finance professionals and proudly contributing to the economic dynamism of the Principality of Monaco.

2024 03 01 AMCO Blocker

Last September, AMCO organised a web conference on the Financing of Terrorism, the particular risks incurred in Monaco, and the role of Compliance Officers in the fight against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT). The conference was moderated by Nathalie Schinzig, Financial Crime Compliance specialist, AMCO’s TCSP/MFO Committee Leader and Head of Compliance at Landmark Management S.A.M., the event was held on their premises.

2024 02 23 Alejandro VELEZ

Managing Director of UBS Monaco, Alejandro VELEZ has extensive international experience and a solid understanding of the financial world. He talks to us about UBS Monaco's ambitions, and his convictions in terms of sustainable investment.

2024 02 26 Laure CANAS DA SILVA

The Monegasque Association for Sustainable Finance (AMFiD), created at the initiative of the Minister of Finance and Economy, Jean Castellini, and the Monegasque Association for Financial activities (AMAF), was launched in September 2023.