Products and Services

2016-01 Laurent-Roby

There is no question that lending is a crucial Private Banking (PB) service, whether or not customers choose to make use of it. In the financial sector in Monaco, the figures are significant, with total lending of more than twenty billion euros in 2014, a considerable proportion of which was accounted for by property loans and cash facilities.

2015-12 guignard

Philippe Guignard has managed the Monaco branch of Crédit Agricole since 2008. He shares with us his thoughts on the evolution of the financial centre, as well as his branch.

2015-11 carax

CARAX, the stock brokerage firm, will soon celebrate the tenth anniversary of its operations in Monaco. Meet Stéphane Krief and Jean-Louis Didier, the company’s co-presidents.

2015-10 giordano

In March 2008, three finance and financial markets professionals joined forces to found G&G Private Finance S.A.M. Meet Giancarlo Giordano, President and CEO, who embarked on an entrepreneurial adventure after 16 years in private banking in Monaco with Crédit Suisse and Banque Rothschild.

2015-06 CMB

Mr. Werner Peyer has been Managing Director of the Compagnie Monégasque de Banque (CMB) since 2010. His multicultural approach and international career attracted the shareholder Mediobanca SpA, a major investment bank in Italy quoted on the Milan Stock Exchange. His mission is to “broaden the scope” of an institution based in Monaco since 1976 which is highly involved in the Monegasque economy.


Since the practice of finance work usually requires perfect responsiveness, professionals expect guarantees of efficiency from telecom operators. This is the case in Monaco and elsewhere.


One of the prime benefits of the Principality of Monaco is to provide an ideal framework for the safety of persons living or working there. Regarding assets and particularly works of art, it appears that Monaco has recently developed instruments allowing such people to ensure the safety of their assets, adapted to meet their wishes, in a favourable legal and tax framework.


First, so as to put the answer to this question in context, it is important to take note of the real scope of operation of Family Offices.


No longer just a possibility, it will soon be a requirement.  A European regulation is establishing an internal market for payments in euros, to be in place by February 2014.  It is essential for businesses to start mobilising now.  Explanations.


ETF stands for “Exchange Traded Fund”, a synonym for “Trackers” or “Listed Index Funds” – financial jargon which doesn’t really give the non-expert a very clear idea of what this is all about! In fact these are continuously-listed funds, traded just like traditional shares through orders to sell or buy, and whose purpose is to reflect as closely as possible the performance of a given index.


In the present context of an economic and financial crisis, the Kyoto Protocol, the French “Grenelle de l’environnement” and stimulus plans have placed socially responsible investments and the topic of sustainable development to the forefront of the scene.