Products and Services

2019 09 10 jpurcell

Impact investing and mainstream private equity have joined forces. An ambitious UBS Global Wealth Management plan created three years ago has attracted two-and-a-half billion Swiss francs of investment that seeks to generate market rates of return and a measurable, verifiable, positive impact on people and planet.

2019 05 10 voltylab

Voltylab is a young independent SAM: it launched in 2015, with the ambition of bringing added value in the international market for structured products. Deputy chairman Filippo Colombo and managing director Bruno Frateschi agree on the values that motivate them and define their company: Honesty, Transparency, Serenity.


Loïc Chollet-Vergé has been the manager at Caisse d’Epargne Côte d’Azur’s Monaco branch since early 2018. The Institut Polytechnique and University of Berkeley graduate and engineer joined Natixis, where he remained for twelve years, after working as a consultant at Arthur Andersen. We asked him about his vision of Monaco and his plans, after one year in Monaco.

2019 02 27 mfo

Monaco began transforming its financial center in the early 2000s following a worldwide trend, which has brought on increased fiscal transparency. This evolution both predictable and inevitable, has led to a concentration of banks: their number has been reduced from 45 to 30 so far, but these changes remain a real opportunity for Monaco!

2019 02 08 certification confidentialite

Gregory Moscato, holder of a PhD in finance, directs the Master in Finance at the International University of Monaco (IUM). In charge of the Finance Certification programme at IUM since 2014, he has been mandated by the Monegasque Association of Financial Activities to supervise the new Confidentiality Certification programme. Meet him.

2019 01 30 vincent olivier

Last October, the Monegasque Association of Financial Activities organised a conference on individual discretionary management. Speakers included Mr. Vincent Ollivier, Fund Manager with GFG Monaco SAM, who talked about "Equity low volatility strategies". We questioned him on this subject.

2019 01 21 ico

Trust is a vital element of the economy[1]. Traditionally it is based on centralised and established components such as companies, institutions, states, and currencies. However recent crises (subprime, Greek public debt, etc.) have weakened this trust and the entire model it is supports. At the same time, distributed ledger technology (DLT, or blockchain) began to develop and "dispenses with the need for trust in other parties, which is based instead on a network of nodes (servers) that validate all sorts of transactions and information, with or without legal value, in a secure manner and in real time (or almost)"[2]. Rather than placing trust in a single, fallible entity, it spreads the trust among independent players that control one another.

2019 01 14 Laure Robert CMB

The strong growth in Responsible Investment and Sustainable Development in recent years comes in response to investors rising to meet the challenge of the future. The Criteria Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) are the pillars of ethical investment. At the Compagnie Monégasque de Banque (CMB), this reality has been a part of our work for a long time.

2018 12 24 innovation

Monaco is a land of innovation. It is the very essence of development and economic stability in the Principality. For more than 150 years, Monaco has made a series of bold and innovative decisions demonstrating its incredible spirit of enterprise and constant ability to reinvent its economic model. Monaco as we know it today was founded in 1861 after the loss of 90% of its territory. Faced with this critical situation for the Principality, Charles III decided to entrust François Blanc with the creation of the Casino of Monte-Carlo in 1863 and design a unique economic model to ensure steady development for the state and the population. Since that time, the successive Princes have continued to develop Monaco by keeping its economy in step with the major international movements and allowing it to prosper - scientific research (Albert I), tourism and sport (Louis II), property and the banking industry (Rainier III). In line with this tradition, His Serene Highness Prince Albert II outlined his vision for Monaco in his investiture speech. The future of Monaco is based on three elements: attracting talented individuals and investors, training for young people abroad, and a culture of risk taking. His vision is particularly relevant because for the past 20 years and since the arrival of the internet, the established patterns have been turned upside down.

2018 12 10 smc

There is abundant literature about banks’ contribution to startups in MonacoTech’s sphere of influence, but the reverse is rarely true. And yet, the creation of a home-grown Monegasque incubator allows financial establishments on the market, particularly those that support companies and innovation, to establish close relations with a trusted intermediary between them and the innovative companies.

2018 11 assu startup

While most of the insurance market covers for the risk of damage, liability or personal policies for companies or individuals, there are other fields where insurance policies can help you overcome complex binding or legal situations. These lesser known insurance products can be used to secure a transaction or contract and achieve your goals. Below we will discuss the more common among them.