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An evening of discussion at the heart of Monaco's financial sector.

2024 03 04 IUM

For more than three decades, the IUM has been training future finance professionals and proudly contributing to the economic dynamism of the Principality of Monaco.

2024 01 02 nicolas feitIn France and Monaco, the retail banking groups Société Générale and Crédit du Nord have merged to form SG.

2023 02 08 formation proOn Thursday 2 February 2023 at One Monte Carlo, the International University of Monaco and the STEP professional network organised a breakfast to present this unique training course, in the presence of Mr Jean Castellini, Monaco's Minister of the Economy and Finance.

2023 01 23 ACISince its creation in the Principality thirty years ago, ACI Monaco has been committed to promoting and giving life to the values upheld since 1955 by ACI FMA: the development of financial market activities, professional and friendly relations amongst stakeholders, compliance with ethical rules of the sector and above all, the promotion of financial training.

2023 01 21 IUMFew financial centers can claim to have navigated the repeated shocks of the last few years as well. Yet, the Monegasque financial center is in good health and nothing seems to be able to slow down its development.

2022 09 20 remise diplome CPMOn Tuesday, September 13, 2022, H.E. the Minister of State, Pierre DARTOUT, accompanied by Mr. Christophe ROBINO, Government Councillor-Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Mrs. Brigitte BOCCONE-PAGES, Vice-President of the National Council and Mr. Etienne FRANZI, President of the Monegasque Association of Financial Activities (AMAF) and many other personalities, welcomed to the Monegasque Institute of Financial Services (MIFS) the Monegasque Professional Certification. Etienne FRANZI, President of the Association Monégasque des Activités Financières (AMAF) and many other personalities, welcomed to his Residence the graduates of the 2021 and 2022 classes of the Monegasque Professional Certification established by the AMAF.

2022 09 20 aciACI Monaco's "Training" breakfast took place on September 15 in the presence of The event was attended by Mr. Jean CASTELLINI, Minister Counsellor of the Department of Finance and Economy, Mrs. Isabelle BONNAL, General Commissioner in charge of the National Education, Youth and Sports Department, and Mr. Etienne FRANZI, President of the Monaco Association of Financial Activitie.

2022 02 21 mff aciThere has been significant growth in remote management in the wake of the pandemic, and the same is true of training, which is increasingly delivered as “distance learning”. The ACI Financial Markets Association has been fostering the development of friendly and professional links between stakeholders in the Monegasque financial industry since 1992, and promotes, free of charge, training courses and the application of ethical rules for financial professions.

2021 12 31 certificats IUMOver the last fifteen years, Monaco’s financial industry has developed around several axes, particularly the growth of an onshore clientele and the determination to increase the share of clients’ financial assets that are directly managed from the Principality. To achieve this, the Monegasque financial industry has focused on moving its actors upmarket, with particular attention being paid to front office professionals. At the same time, the Monegasque authorities decided to improve the culture of confidentiality among all staff in regulated institutions.

2020 12 09 alexandre rousseauAlexandre Rousseau, the Chief Executive of Société Générale Private Banking in Monaco during the first wave of the covid pandemic, is also Vice-President of the AMAF and chairs the Commission for Social Affairs.