On Tuesday 14 June, the Association Monégasque des Activités Financières (AMAF) organised an ESG conference in the presence of the Minister of Finance and Economy, Mr Jean Castellini.
Mr Patrick Churchill, CEO of Churchill Capital SAM, raised awareness of the importance of ESG criteria and then passed the floor to five speakers.
- Mr. Steffen DIETEL - Altana Wealth Monaco SAM , on the topic of "Carbon Offsets - Investment Opportunities in an Emerging Instrument", explained the ever increasing need for high quality carbon offsets.
- Mrs. Stéphanie AGREFILO-Société Générale Private Banking, defined the ESG criteria and impact investment within Société Générale. She presented the Moorea Fund Sustainable Climate Action, which focuses on companies that have a key role in the changes defined by the Paris agreements, and is made up of equity funds, bond funds, multi-asset funds and alternative funds.
- Mr Lorenzo SALL'OCCA-GFG Monaco spoke on the theme of "ESG integration in the management of UCITS funds", underlining the importance of data in setting ESG scores. The Green Deal for Europe includes no less than 64 different indicators, depending on the type of objectives to be achieved.
- Mr Laurent VANDREBECK-Rothschild & Co on the theme of "Sustainable investment and impact", detailed a sustainable approach to performance, presenting the Monegasque fund Capital ISR Greentech, created by Rothschild Martin Maurel in 2014.
- Mr Gert STEENS-SSVL Monaco explained how Activism was a support for change, to accelerate and initiate positive transformations.
In conclusion, the President of the AMAF, Mr. Etienne FRANZI, thanked the speakers and reminded them of the forthcoming creation of the AMFID (Association Monégasque de Financement Durable), a future force for proposals concerning impact investment. He stressed the need for each AMAF member to appoint an ESG manager, and the strengthening of ESG concerns in the professional certification programme.