

Michel Bouquier runs Monaco Private Label (MPL), a platform designed to attract wealthy clients and created in 2009. MPL is very dynamic and last April it organised a Phygital Summit attended by almost a thousand UHNW internet users, and is also very interested in young people...

robert-laureACI Monaco, "The Financial Market Association", organises an annual conference on a topical subject. Last June, it welcomed Professor Christian GOLLIER, a Belgian economist who founded the Toulouse School of Economics with Jean Tirole (Nobel Prize) in 2007, and a specialist in environmental economics. Meeting with Robert LAURE, the President of the association.

Xavier-LabordeXavier Laborde is CEO and co-founder of SILEX, an investment company based in Monaco. He describes his ambitions for the company and the reasons for opening an office in the Principality.


Gérald Mathieu was recently appointed CEO of Barclays Monaco. He tells us about his ambitions as Barclays celebrates its 100th birthday in the Principality next year.

ordioniHervé Ordioni, Managing Director of Banque Edmond de Rothschild in Monaco and Chairman of the "Promotion of the Monaco Financial Place" Commission of the Association Monégasque des Activités Financières (AMAF), takes stock of everything that the Principality of Monaco is actively doing to comply with European standards in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.

reunion-siccfinAt the initiative of Mr. Michel Hunault, Director of SICCFIN and head of the Monegasque delegation to the MONEYVAL committee, an update on the work of Monaco's National Risk Assessment (NRA2) was held on 15 April 2021 at the Grimaldi Forum. in the presence of Messrs. Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, Stéphane Valeri, President of the National Council, and Robert Gelli, Secretary of Justice, among others.

2021-04-08_PayiatakisHow is sustainable finance evolving? Can we talk about sustainable investment strategies, or just opportunities? We hear from Damian Payiatakis on these topics.

2021 03 20 magalhaesTNP, a leading performance consulting firm, continues its international growth and sets up in Monaco. At its head, Christian MAGALHAES, director, expert in financial services and Benoît RANINI, president & co-founder of TNP. We met them.

Jean CastelliniH.S.H. the Sovereign Prince's commitment to sustainable development underpins the actions of His Government. Sustainable Finance was already a reality in the Principality in the 2000s. Mr. Jean Castellini, Government Counsellor - Minister of Finance and Economy, wishes to position the Monegasque financial place as an international model of green finance.

itw nicolas feitIn November 2020, Nicolas Feit was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Société Générale Private Banking Monaco. Drawing on his experience in private banking since 2004 and his knowledge of the Monegasque financial centre, his mission is to pursue the growth strategy of private banking in Monaco and the development of synergies with retail banking as well as with private banking operations in Switzerland and Luxembourg.

2020 12 09 alexandre rousseauAlexandre Rousseau, the Chief Executive of Société Générale Private Banking in Monaco during the first wave of the covid pandemic, is also Vice-President of the AMAF and chairs the Commission for Social Affairs.

2020 12 09 grosoli

The Compagnie Monégasque de Banque, recently renamed CMB Monaco, is poised for a new transformation, while innovation has always been a flagship of the institution, generating new products and services for its customers every year since its creation in 1976. Francesco Grosoli, CEO of CMB Monaco, details the bank's strategy for the coming years and the repositioning of the brand around the concept of "banking ahead".

2020 12 09 el masri

Since its creation in 2014, the Monaco branch of Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) has steadily strengthened and is now a major player in the Principality’s financial centre. Responsibility is one of UBP’s core values and the Bank puts sustainability and future generations at the heart of its development model. We met with Sérène El Masri, UBP Monaco’s Site Manager.

2020 12 09 lepaulmierMme Agnès LEPAULMIER is Secretary General of the CCIN (Commission de Contrôle des Informations Nominatives - the Monaco authority responsible for protecting personal data). We met with her because the CCIN has many work meetings with the AMAF, covering a wide range of issues.

2020 12 09 vercesiThe Commission for the Control of Financial Activities (CCAF) is responsible for overseeing the financial activities of the Monaco financial industry. Composed of at least seven members, chosen for their expertise and appointed by sovereign ordinance for five years, it also includes the Chairman of the Monaco Association for Financial Activities (AMAF) and the Chairman of the Monaco Order of Accountants (OECM). We met with the Secretary General of the Commission, Ms Magali VERCESI.

2017 09 castelini

Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy speaks about the management of the COVID-19 crisis in Monaco, which can be seen as a successful stress-test. Based on solid foundations, the Principality continues to build its future.