Legal Environment

2022 01 24 ccinThe Data Protection Authority of Monaco (CCIN) maintains a close relationship with the Monegasque Government and with the financial investigation unit, SICCFIN. We talked to Ms Agnès LEPAULMIER, Secretary-General of the CCIN, about the highlights from 2020/2021.

2022 01 20 herpe

Sustainable finance is taking off all over the world, and nowhere more so than in Monaco, at the behest of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, who authorised the creation of the first sustainable investment fund, CFM Environnement Développement Durable, back in 2003.

2021 12 13 monaco finance durableSustainable finance in the Principality. Monaco’s financial industry is both a pioneer and a model in the field of sustainable finance (referring to the process of taking social and environmental considerations into account in financial markets. Climate change has made the environmental aspect particularly significant).

2021 12 10 phoenixFollowing a career with Deloitte Luxembourg, Sébastien Prat established and led Deloitte in Monaco for four years. In 2018, he founded Phoenix Consulting Monaco, a management and strategy consultancy firm, and two years later he created, a RegTech subsidiary of Phoenix Consulting. The aim is to support clients with digital solutions. Sébastien, who is also Secretary-General for the Association of Compliance Officers of Monaco (AMCO), answered our questions about the National Risk Assessment (NRA).

2022 01 17 reforme activite financiere2On April 30, 2021, a bill was submitted to the National Council to amend law No. 1.338 of September 7, 2007 laying the foundations for the regulation of financial activities in Monaco.

2021 11 17 Convention Monaco EAUIn the presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, Mr. Jean CASTELLINI, Government Counsellor - Minister of Finance and Economy, and H.E. Mr. Mohamed Bin Hadi AL HUSSAINI, Minister of State for Financial Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, signed on November 13, 2021, a bilateral tax treaty with the United Arab Emirates. Mohamed Bin Hadi AL HUSSAINI, Minister of State for Financial Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, signed on November 13, 2021, during the Monegasque National Day at the Dubai World Expo, a bilateral tax treaty for the elimination of double taxation on income and the prevention of fiscal evasion and fraud.

2021 10 11 GRECOGRECO (Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption) welcomes the "seriousness" and "strong political will" of Monaco in preventing corruption of parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors.

AMAF-Safe-CityOn Monday 19th July 2021, in the Grand Hall of the Ministry of State, Mr Patrice CELLARIO, Government Councillor-Minister of the Interior and Mr Etienne FRANZI, President of the Association Monégasque des Activités Financières (AMAF), formalised the creation of the Vigibanque Committee, reinforcing the already long-standing partnership between the 30 Monegasque banks and the Public Security.

signatureOn 23 July, Mr Michel HUNAULT, Director of the Service d'Information et de Contrôle sur les Circuits Financiers (SICCFIN), and his Luxembourg counterpart, Mr Claude MARX, Director of the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), ratified a cooperation agreement in order to reinforce the effectiveness of the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.

siccfin-amafOn Monday 5th July, under the chairmanship of the Government Councillor-Minister of the Department of Finance and the Economy, Mr Jean CASTELLINI, a protocol was signed at the Ministry of State with the aim of organising and modernising the control missions carried out by SICCFIN's inspection teams within financial institutions.
Mr Etienne FRANZI, Chairman of the AMAF, and Mr Michel HUNAULT, Director of SICCFIN, therefore ratified the protocol.

ordioniHervé Ordioni, Managing Director of Banque Edmond de Rothschild in Monaco and Chairman of the "Promotion of the Monaco Financial Place" Commission of the Association Monégasque des Activités Financières (AMAF), takes stock of everything that the Principality of Monaco is actively doing to comply with European standards in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.